The Role of Parents of Student Athletes

Being the parent of a student athlete or athletes is a tough job. Between shuttling kids to practice, buying gear and attending games, safety should be the last thing you have to worry about.

Sadly, this isn't always the case. Did you know that, according to Yale University, 62 percent of organized sports-related injuries happen during practice?

Parents play a critical role in influencing change in their schools and communities. When parents are informed on sports safety issues and equipped with resources, they can become advocates for sports safety.

As part of the At Your Own Risk campaign, NATA conducted a national survey of parents to measure their perceptions of youth sports.

The survey found that more than half of parents say that they would prevent their child from participating in sports due to concerns of the potential risks. Parents are most worried about their child suffering from broken bones, sprains and strains and concussions during sports participation. Parents are also concerned with the risk of heat illness, overuse injuries and dental injuries.

So what can you do to increase safety at your child's school? Watch the video below.

Then download the Parent Checklist for Youth Sports Safety and talk to your athletic trainer, coach or director about keeping your child safe while practicing, playing or performing.

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