
Athletic trainers are health care professionals who provide our community a safer approach to work, life, and sport.

Learn how athletic trainers in Minnesota keep your state healthy, safe and thriving.

What's the Mission of the Minnesota Athletic Trainers' Association?

The Minnesota Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA) serves its members through the advancement and promotion of the athletic training profession.  As an association we strive to improve the quality of healthcare for athletes, patients and clients by enhancing the profession of athletic training through leadership, education, and cooperative efforts with all allied health professions. 

Minnesota Safety Statistics

1499certified athletic trainers in Minnesota.
4athletic training educational programs in Minnesota.
17schools with the Safe Sports School Award in Minnesota.
487secondary schools in Minnesota.

What is an Athletic Trainer?

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association defines athletic trainers (ATs) as highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals specifically trained in the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical conditions and emergent, acute and chronic injuries. Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA)Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an allied health care profession. 

Where Are Athletic Trainers Employed?

Athletic trainers provide health care in many settings, from clinics and hospitals to performing arts and even aeronautics.

What's the Value of Employing an Athletic Trainer?

The value of an athletic trainers may differ in the eyes of the principal, school board member, athletic director, teacher, coach, parent, employer, legislator and student-athlete. At Your Own Risk has created handouts explaining the value that athletic trainers bring to many different organizations.

Six Ways You Can Get Involved in Minnesota

Whether you are the parent of a student athlete or the administrator of a school district, you can do your part. Whether you are a legislator or an employer, you can make a difference. Here are some ways you can get involved in your community.

Contact the Minnesota Athletic Trainers' Association

The Minnesota Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA) serves its members through the advancement and promotion of the athletic training profession.  As an association we strive to improve the quality of healthcare for athletes, patients and clients by enhancing the profession of athletic training through leadership, education, and cooperative efforts with all allied health professions.   

Apply for the Safe Sports School Award

The Safe Sports School Award recognizes schools around the country that take the crucial steps to keep their athletes free from injuries.

Contact Your Athletic Training Regulatory Board

NATA is actively engaging legislators and other health care coalitions and organizations in an effort to raise the profile of the athletic training profession. Through our education efforts to these groups, we promote the recognition of ATs.

Sign Up for Legislative Alerts

Sign up to receive the latest information on NATA's legislative initiatives in your state.

Hire an Athletic Trainer

Every team deserves an athletic trainer. Learn more about hiring an AT.

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